About the Journal
Focus and Scope
International journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics focuses on publishing articles from the fields of statistics and medical informatics covering
- Applied Statistics
- Forecasting methods
- Structural Equation modelling
- Bayesian methods
- Bio-statistics
- Survival Analysis
- Neural networks
- Clinical decision making
- Medical informatics
- Health informatics Public health informatics
- Clinical informatics
- Data mining
- Text mining
Peer Review Process
Journal follows blinded peer review process. In the first step journal Editor reviews the articles and checks whether the article meets the scope of the journal, published elsewhere or the article having plagiarism issues. If the article is not meeting the scope criteria, published elsewhere or if it fails the plagiarism check then the article is immediately returned to the author If the articles is passes the through above mentioned step, then it is forwarded to an Associate Editor who reviews the quality of the articles and if it is not meeting the quality standards of the journal it is returned to the author. If the article meets the quality standards then the article will be sent to independent reviewers from the journal database After the completion of the reviews, the reviewers will forward their review decision and comments. Based on the reviewer’s decision and comments, the Editor will make the final decision to accept, accept with minor revision, accept with major revision or reject. Once the paper is finally accepted by the editor, a gully proof will be sent to the author for final cross checking. During this stage author cannot make any modification and can only correct the format or typo errors. After receiving the final gully proof the paper will be published by the journal. After publishing, if any copy right violations, plagiarism related issues or it was published earlier or any other legal issues, the article will be immediately withdrawn from the publication. Any legal issues arising out of the problem to be faced by the author and journal will not be responsible for that
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Allows users to copy, to create extracts, abstracts and new works from the Article, to alter and revise the Article, and to make commercial use of the Article (including reuse and/or resale of the Article by commercial entities), provided the user gives appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI), provides a link to the license, indicates if changes were made and the licensor is not represented as endorsing the use made of the work.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal History
International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics is a new journal in the field of Statistics and Medical Informatics